WAMPServer Local Development

Software (freeware) I use for local development of WordPress website themes in Windows 10: Sublime Text and Kdiff3 are also useful tools for comparison and editing of code. A handy guide to WAMP setup for a WordPress local development environment:https://wpastra.com/guides-and-tutorials/install-wordpress-on-wamp (visual c++ needs to be installed). I also install node.js for code compilation (SASS to […]

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Stroppy Baby website

https://stroppybaby.com Design, development and cPanel administration of WordPress website. Styling and coding customisation of Understrap theme incorporating Masonry, Infinite Scroll and plugins for SEO optimisation, contact form, tags list etc. Administration of Google Search Console for indexing and use of PageSpeed Insights to monitor performance. Content management including editing of images and text. Photoshop, HTML, […]

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